Some of you have asked me these past few days whether a project’s underway to support Amber. Myself and a few others who have a way of directly reaching her have decided to put one together. We’re accepting any letters of support you’d wish to send her, online or physically. Afterwards we’ll pass them over to her.
The letters will have to be reviewed before they’re forwarded to Amber to make sure they aren’t hateful or threatening, as I’m sure many of you know she attracts a great deal of vitriol, so be conscious of that if you’re sharing something you wouldn’t feel comfortable with someone else reading, as I’m sure many of Amber’s supporters can relate to her experiences.
If you’d like to email Amber a letter:
- Preferably in a PDF format.
If you want to mail one physically: PO Box 101525, Arlington, VA 22210
We’re also accepting any letters in support of Amber’s attorneys, Elaine and Ben, who’ve done a terrific job with the case in spite of the uphill battle they’ve had to fight, both in the court of law and public opinion. As they have separate offices, if you’re planning on writing to either of them, it must be individually - so no “Dear Elaine and Ben” letters (unless you’re watching The Graduate).
The email for the Ben and Elaine letters:
- Preferably in a PDF format.
And the P.O. Box is the same as the Amber one.
If you choose to mail a letter, make sure it’s not too big - so no packages, gifts, or anything large in size, as they’ll be going to a post office box.
The deadline for all letters is July 12.
Amber’s attorney Elaine said on the Today Show Thursday that Amber’s planning on appealing the verdict, though there’s no telling how long that process will take. In the meantime, here are some things you can do to support Amber:
- Follow her on Twitter and Instagram; like her posts. It might seem trivial in light of what she’s up against, but there is strength in numbers and it would help even the slightest bit to mitigate the damage Johnny’s done to her career and reputation, especially as much of the entertainment industry is dependent on social media engagement these days.
- Post your support for her. Trust me, I know it can be a hassle with Johnny’s swarming fans. I’ve been dealing with them for six years now and it never gets any easier. But the more people publicly voice their support for Amber, the less power his cult has. It can be as simple as a hashtag - #IStandWithAmberHeard. It doesn’t really matter, just speak up. There are countless people who want to but don’t want to be the first to say something. Be that first person.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to myself (@pcd2009 on Twitter; @popculturediedin2009 on Instagram); @drugproblem on Twitter; @AtheistjLiz on Twitter; @heardverse on Twitter; and @shxnerusso on Twitter.
Thank you everyone who’s been speaking up for her. I know attention spans are lightning quick these days, so don’t let her story fizzle out. Keep fighting!