The person who runs that blog is your typical female fan of a male celebrity with a blinding hatred for the girlfriend - or in this case, ex-girlfriend - of their idol. It was originally called "Exposing SMG," for "Exposing Selena Marie Gomez," before some years ago when the wack job who runs it amassed enough followers from their anti-Selena diatribes to rebrand as a general gossip blog, awkwardly named "Exposing Scandalous Media Gossip." Doesn't really roll off the tongue.
It's silly to even acknowledge their existence, since it's such an amateur operation, but since you asked... From the few posts I've read over the years, this chick is so dim she makes DeuxMoi sound like Rona Barrett. You'd think it's a teen by her written voice (lots of grammatical gaffes and misspellings), but I remember the blog being around even longer than mine - and I started in 2013. So she has to be, what? Mid-20s? In any case, she's way too old to be doing whatever it is she's doing. But I'll hand it to her, a couple of the posts I've read are hilarious. There was one she did about Justin Bieber's music video for "Yummy" - which she decided was a latent expose of pedophilc elites of the #Pizzagate variety - and it's fucking nuts. Trust me, I'm not overselling, just read it. (But if you want to preserve your sanity, don't venture down to the comments where people are lapping it up.)
As you can guess from her original URL, she started out as a Selena hate blog/Bieber worship altar. She'd write these long, rambling entries accusing Selena of lying about everything from her lupus (she claimed to have spoken directly with Selena's doctor, who revealed to her it was all a lie, because of course) to having her kidney replaced, using nameless screenshots of illiterate text message conversations from her so-called "sources" as proof, and all the while painting Justin as an abused puppy who's still suffering from the PTSD-level trauma of their relationship. So... pretty much the same shit female fans have been doing from time immemorial. See also: Johnny and Amber, Harry and Meghan, that One Direction guy and Olivia Wilde. Or remember way back in the day when Backstreet Boys/Nick Carter fans were convinced he was getting smacked around by Willa Ford? A few angry GeoCities sites still linger. The playbook stays the same, but every generation of horny female fans thinks they're the first to discover it.
Could there be a kernel of truth in there somewhere? No clue. I can't say Selena takes up any space in my mind (although I pray the recent rumors she's playing Linda Ronstadt never materialize beyond the sheer delusion stage). I loved Spring Breakers, and I thought she was about just the only redeemable thing in that horrendous Woody Allen movie (Chalamet could've learned a thing or two from Wallace Shawn in Rifkin's Festival), but I've never had the inclination to seek out gossip about her. I know she and Hailey Whatsherface go back and forth over a guy who if not for his timely debut in the nascent stages of social media would've retreated to Aaron Carter-ville after his first few hits and racked up track marks in lieu of monotonous streaming hits that no one can name, but I can't make myself care. I don't think anyone involved could pass a literacy test, so any words spent on them is a waste. I'm sure Selena has her issues, but she seems no less dead-eyed and vacant than any of the other young celebrities of her ilk. If she needs to pop a few pills to make it to morning, all the power to her. She at least seems more charming than Alec's niece.
Back to the blog. ExposingSMG's since expanded her aim to anyone in that Bieber-Gomez circle (Taylor, Demi, Miley et al.), with the same slippery grasp on the English language and the same dubious "sources," plus other hot button targets that are sure to drive up traffic and appeal to the misogynistic and conspiracy-minded (she was firmly pro-Depp/anti-Heard, busting out her trademark anonymous iPhone screenshots to back her up, and - surprise surprise - she just loathes Meghan Markle). I don't know if her site really gets that much traffic, but there seems to be a lot of comments, which is unsurprising; media literacy is dead and buried and her following, however small, is just a symptom of a wider rot in common sense that can be seen in the popularity of any of those vocal fried TikTok gossip gurus or podcasters who faithfully repeat the words of the charlatan behind Crazy Days and Nights.
Circling back to Selena, I just remembered this song - I really liked it!