Mel Gibson was arrested for DUI.
In the wee hours of July 28th, 2006, Mel Gibson stumbled out of Moonshadows restaurant in Malibu and yelled: “I’m fucked up!”

He then crossed the street to his car, pulled out, made a U-turn, & stepped on the gas. Shortly thereafter, a deputy spotted Gibson driving 87 mph in a 45-mph zone and pulled him over.

After being stopped, Mel repeatedly said, “My life is fucked” and proceeded to threaten the cop, telling him that he “owns Malibu” and that he’ll spend all of his money to “get even” with him. He began banging himself against the patrol car’s seat & then shouted: “Fucking Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?”

When he was taken back to the station, Mel continued grow violent, damaging the pay phone, and shouting at a female officer: “What do you think you’re looking at, sugar tits?”

The arresting officer, who happened to be Jewish, was later told by his superiors to write another report excluding Gibson’s anti-Semitic comments, fearing that they would incite a lot of “Jewish hatred.” The original report, however, was leaked by TMZ soon after the news broke. Gibson later apologized for his comments, claiming they were “blurted out in a moment of insanity” and he was sentenced to three years’ probation.