Lauren Bacall vs. Nicole Kidman, a Z-list British celebrity is racist, Colton Haynes’ personal pictures, and more!


“Saw Mischa Barton pull out a small bottle of whiskey and pour it into her friend’s glass at a shoegaze show at The Echo.” - Anonymous
Jerry Springer

“Jerry Springer sat behind me at a screening of a film about right wing extremism in Cambridge lmao. He asked a very intelligent question and left early.” - Anonymous
Kourtney Kardashian

“More #dirt my friend who’s somewhat famous with the tweens on Vine. He lives in this shitty apartment complex in Hollywood and he keeps on telling me that he sees Kourtney Kardashian early in the morning leaving their parking garage. He was tweeting about it and someone from her management (unfortunately not Kris) told him to stop tweeting about it. She has no reason to be around that area, wonder who she’s seeing there.” - Anonymous
Tell him to do a stake out and get me an #exclusive. Maybe he’ll catch her buying drugs like Brooke Mueller!
Girl from The Rachel Zoe Project

“I worked for Taylor Jacobson and was told not to ask about anything Rachel Zoe related lol. She was cool but distant and reserved which I expected, and not as high strung as on TV. One day at a fitting we went to Debra Messing’s house. I said ‘Hi’ and waved to Debra and her husband on the couch as I walked in with clothing and they ignored me. Upstairs Taylor’s assistant told me not to speak to celebrities unless I am spoken to. I was grossed out so I quit right after.” - Anonymous

“Rihanna came to Connecticut and I met her at a gas station and she grabbed my boob, honestly a great moment.” - Anonymous
Jaden Smith and Mini-Mary Kay Letourneau

“I saw Jaden Smith and his weird girlfriend walking around LA. There were surprisingly not a lot of people out and she started yelling at him and cussing him out because he was walking a little too fast for her liking. He was only a few paces ahead of her but she wanted to hold onto him but she couldn’t keep up so she went berserk lmao.” - Anonymous
Drake Bell

“I sent Drake Bell a sexy pic on Instagram last year 'cause I thought it would be funny & he followed me straight away and started complimenting me and saying he wanted to Facetime. He sent me a private Skype username & he added me, then videocalled me but it only worked for 6 seconds because of a bad wifi connection and I didn’t see him. All I said was 'Hi’ and it dropped, but he sent me a message saying I was so cute. Nothing else really happened but he still follows me and he also watches my stories on Snapchat lol.” - Anonymous
Lmao, him and his buddy Aaron Carter are so sad.
Kylie Jenner

“I don’t really give two shits about Kylie Jenner but I thought this was pretty interesting. My drug dealer in Beverly Hills told me he deals to Kylie and people that party with her and sometimes she will text him at 3AM asking for ecstasy. I don’t think she does coke, but with that kind of money who knows.” - Anonymous
She definitely does coke. She’s a rich white girl in Calabasas. It’s not even up for debate.
Pete Wentz, Karlie Kloss, and Aaron Carter

“1. I hooked up with Pete Wentz a few years ago - back when he was married to Jessica Simpson’s less famous sister. Sloppy kisser, but he still recognized me last year! Him and his bandmates are really sweet guys (at least to me). 2. Met Karlie Kloss, surprisingly sweet since I’ve read shit about her. She was grocery shopping in NYC and recommended some fucking yam or something to me - didn’t buy it. 3. Aaron Carter tried to DM me on Twitter for nudes.” - Anonymous
Okay, I’m ride or die for Successica but let’s not pretend that Autobiography wasn’t better than her entire discography.
Kylie Jenner’s Friend

“Kylie Jenner’s BFF Stassi has been trying to go from IG to acting/legit modeling but no agents will work with her because she’s pretty much talentless and dumb as rocks. Also, she and the rest of the Kardashians and hanger-ons get ass injections (in case there was anyone left who thought otherwise).” - Anonymous
Fifth Harmony

“I work at a venue Fifth Harmony played a little while ago. They seemed alright, but after they left we found that they had absolutely trashed their dressing room and smashed cake all into the carpet. Additionally their roadies were incredibly unpleasant.” - Anonymous
Jonah Hill and Russell Brand

“When I was in college, I worked at the campus movie theater and my school won a screening of Get Him To The Greek with an appearance by Jonah Hill and Russell Brand. I got to meet them in the back office as they got mic’d up. Jonah was very shy and seemed really tired, but Russell was so, so nice and complimented my tattoos! His hair looks just as crazy in person!”- Off-Anonymous
The Greatest Story To Ever Enter My Inbox

“A friend of mine worked on the set of Birth, and while they said Nicole Kidman was a very nice, sweet (if also a bit childlike) woman, Lauren Bacall was the polar opposite. Once she bellowed to poor Nicole something along the lines of 'Don’t you dare call yourself a legend! You are not a legend! I AM A LEGEND!’ (No, I am not joking.) Among other things, she had a set of custom engraved fine tooth teasing combs made for the film’s hairstylists (which she later stabbed one of them in the hand with), and brought onto the set her little dog, which tried to hump anything that moved. For obvious reasons, the studio kept this quiet, not wanting to add to the controversy the film already had.” - Off-Anonymous
Okay, this message blew my mind for so many reasons:
1). I love Birth so much and everybody should check it out - Nicole Kidman is what the general public thinks Meryl Streep is.
2). I don’t recall Lauren saying anything nasty about Nicole in her book By Myself and The Some (which was really great/interesting - check it out), and they worked on Dogville together too. But then again, I’m sure she didn’t want to say anything nasty in the book since that would spark controversy and take away from the rest of her story.
3). Omg @ her stabbing the hairstylist. Lindsay Lohan who?
4). Someone forward this post to producers at Lifetime, they need to recreate that “I AM A LEGEND” showdown in the messiest way possible. Liz & Dick 2.0! They could cast Ellen Burstyn as Lauren.

EDIT:I just found this article from 2004 where Lauren makes a similar comment re: Nicole being a ’legend’ (which she is tbh, To Die For changed my life) - very interesting!

Ariana and Rihanna

“So an industry friend gave me a few tidbits of info: 1. Ariana Grande’s contract with events companies stipulates that she can only be shot from the right-hand side. When she dated Big Sean he would wave his arms about if she wasn’t posing so he could ruin any potentially bad shot of her. 2. Rihanna was in Hawaii a few years ago and TRASHED an apartment ($30,000) worth of damage with Chris Brown. I think it was her birthday.” - Source
Lilo’s Loser Ex-Boyfriend

“Okay, so my brother lived in Ibiza for almost a year last year and he has several stories about various celebrities from when he was there, but Calum Best… ugh. So my brother was hanging out with his mates one night and Calum’s mates and they were just chilling, etc., Calum was on coke and was asking questions about where my brother and his mates were from, etc., harmless until he started asking about one of my brother’s oldest mates - who is ½ Jamaican & Irish. Calum thought it was hilarious that a black guy could be Irish and have a Dublin accent. All was fine until he said, You’re an Irish n*gger,” over and over again. My brother and his mates were not happy, but he kept repeating it over & over again, laughing maniacally until someone punched Calum & a massive fight happened between the two groups.“ - Source

Someone who’s friends with Colton Haynes (of Teen Wolf & blackface fame) on Facebook sent me a bunch of the pictures from his private profile. Enjoy!

And my personal favorite:

Don’t know who the brunette is?


This is interesting…:

And my source also sent me a couple of screenshots from Chloe Grace Moretz’s profile, nothing juicy though:

And one last Colton tidbit; my source who sent me those pictures told me that back in 2009 Colton auditioned for a role in Easy A (the role being that guy that takes Emma Stone’s character out to the lobster place and tries to proposition her in the parking lot) and he almost nabbed it - he even went to one of the producers’ houses - but ended up losing it to whatever guy got the role.
Hope you guys enjoyed the post!

Note: I wrote this post Tuesday afternoon so if you sent me any #dirt that evening through today, I’m including it in next month’s post. Start filling up my inbox!