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Lilo In Training Is A Mean Girl



Drugs, arrests, cyberbullying, and a PCD2009 reader’s terrifying bathroom showdown with Nicola Pillz!

Last time we checked up on LIT, she was scoring controversy left and right. Her furry lies and penchant for showing skin even landed her a spot on Star Magazine’s list of “Falling Stars”:

She makes me so proud.

But LIT couldn’t let her career go in flames just yet, so she jetted down to SXSW Film Festival in Austin and worked her best angles while doing promo for Shovel Buddies:

And of course, fans flocked to catch a glimpse of the tabloid-legend-in-the-making:

She also sat down for a few interviews, this one being my favorite:

One of the comments:

Can’t spot the lie!

Before leaving Austin, she couldn’t resist a risque poolside photo-op:

Giving me shades of Lilo @ Jeremy Piven’s 2006 birthday bash:

After SXSW, she headed back to LA to do some promo for her upcoming animated film Ratchet & Clank at WonderCon:

There she debuted her new heart-shaped tattoo:

And that tat wasn’t the only one B got this month; she also got one on her wrist, matching with her BFF Bella Pendergast:

Her tat addiction is very Lindsay!

And it wasn’t long after she returned home that she decided to do another beach photoshoot:

I was scratching my head to think of who this reminded me of, but then it clicked: Mother Megan!

After the shoot, LIT decided to tease us once again with a snap from Mario Testino’s towel series:

But showing skin wasn’t her only trick to scoring headlines! Last week, quite a few of you DM’d me on Twitter a little video that had been circulating of our girl B smoking a fat blunt, so of course I had to upload it to my YouTube to share it with the world:

At first I thought it must be fake, but then I remembered: I’m the only person who cares about this girl - so it seems illogical anybody would waste their time faking a video of her. Anyways, any drug-related incident doesn’t go without a Lindsay comparison:

~PCD2009 History Lesson~: Back in the Mean Girls days, one of Lindsay’s earliest scandals involved leaked photos of her Thanksgiving 2004 escapades - which included beer and blunts. The pictures were dug up by Defamer in a Picturetrail photo album created by one of Lilo’s Long Island pals, with classy captions such as: “WE GET HIGH IN THE BACK SEATS OF CARS!

LL sure knew how to pick ‘em.

Anyways, while a Disney girl smoking weed might’ve earned some pearl clutching back in the day, Lindsay and Miley helped raise the bar a notch or two, so all we can hope for is a video of LIT loading up on nose candy in the Bootsy Bellows bathroom to help score her some extra star power. But not everything is blunts and bikinis in Bella’s world, she’s also been dedicated to her diet and fitness!

I’ve never really mentioned it before, but the gym is like her second home. Every single day on Snapchat she’s sharing close-up videos of her chest as she stretches or lifts weights, her hustle is admirable.

But just because she’s obsessed with burning fat doesn’t mean she can’t sneak in a snack every now and then - she was clearly cheeseburger obsessed the past month:

Shutting down ED rumors by obnoxiously eating for the cameras? Lindsay taught her well!

Let’s petition for her to be the new Carl’s Jr. girl (once my girl Hayden P is done getting those coins)!

Finally, LIT’s most recent appearance was some event for boohoo.com (with Samantha Ronson DJing, funnily enough):

And luckily, PCD2009 had a trusted spy inside!

While we’re all familiar with B’s wild ways, she seemed to be on her best behavior at the party. My source said that she was the belle of the ball, with everybody coming up to her to try and win a few moments of her time, and when one girl dropped her bag, LIT helped pick all of her belongings off of the floor - Mother Teresa who?

Anyways, there was one partygoer that wasn’t too happy with LIT’s superstar status: Marissa Cooper. Yep, my source filled me in that despite Mischa B’s legend status and former teen it-girl crown, seniority doesn’t help you make a splash at Hollywood gatherings. My spy continued by noting that Coop seemed a tad sad nobody was really coming up to her or trying to spark a conversation, while everybody was greeting LIT with open arms. Considering B is buddies with Paris and Speidi, I’m sure she’s met Coop once or twice; I imagine it was like that scene in Nashville when Hayden Panettiere’s character introduces herself to Connie Britton, but swipe Hayden for LIT and Connie for Coop and toss in a “My mom LOVED The O.C.” It’s tragic, really. One star must fall for another to rise. Let me go listen to Celebrity Skin by Hole.

And that brings us up to date! Here are some extra LIT snaps:

She also shared her thoughts on pulling a SamRo in the near future:


Finally, the #dirt you guys submitted to me since the last post!

I’m obsessed with your Lilo in Training posts and I wanted to contribute a story I’ve had for a while… I live in California and in middle school I went to a friend’s slumber party that Caroline from Shake It Up was attending. One of the girls at the slumber party spread a rumor that I called her fat and for the next few weeks Caroline and Bella cyberbullied me - calling me 'chub’ and a 'cunt’. It led to my first eating disorder.” - Anonymous

Oh… my god. LIT’s a cyberbully?

Lindsay, as we all know, has a long history of abusing people online too! For example, the time her and Nicole Richie sent this lovely message to the Britney lookalike from the Cry Me A River music video:

And who can forget Linds’ nasty AIM away messages about Shanna Moakler?

And of course, her MySpace war with Paris:

Despite playing the victim in her feud with Pillz, it seems like LIT is a real ’Mean Girl’ herself!

And that’s not the only nasty LIT report that’s come my way, a PCD2009 reader DM’d me this tidbit on Twitter:

Not juicy info, but I work in casting and an old colleague of mine HATED Bella Thorne, and this was before I ever even knew who she was. She had to cast her in a film a couple of years back and said, quote, she was the most 'spoilt evil cunt’ that she’d ever met. Her words, not mine.

Oh boy oh boy, it seems like LIT has a mean streak in her! Who would’ve thunk it?

That’s all the LIT #dirt for this time, so I’ll leave you with this video of her practicing her strut:


Get ready to laugh, since this past month Gregg signed onto a new film project called Status Update, and his character is someone who pretends to be gay (via Deadline):

Gregg will play five-star high school quarterback Josh, who wants to be a journalist. When he writes an article about his social experiment of changing his Facebook status from “single” to “interested in men,” a fellow male student with a crush on him creates a tribute video to “Josh the Gay Quarterback” that goes viral. When the media picks it up, and Josh becomes a hero to gay teens and as his relationships get tested, Josh struggles to keep the secret that he’s straight.

I swear he did this on purpose. Anyways, while we’re still pretending to care about his career, he’s joining that Emily Osment show Young & Hungry:

Whatever - back to stuff we actually care about. So remember how in the last post I pointed out that Cameron and Gregg used to be friends before Bella entered the picture? Well, PCD2009 reader focuser did some digging and filled me in that the first time Gregg and Bella’s relationship was mentioned in the media was May 1, 2015, a day after Gregg shared this picture of the two on Instagram:

The last time Cameron mentioned Gregg on social media was May 2.

Coincidence? I don’t think so honey! But that really makes me think, what caused the clan to break apart? Based on the dates, Bella is most likely the one who caused the cracks, but what did Bella do beforehand to make her such an issue? Sure, Bella called Nicola a bitch, but that wasn’t until last November, so what happened before May that caused the girls not to get along to the point that Nicola and Cameron stopped being friends with Gregg over the relationship? That right there is the million (or should I say billion?) dollar question! If any of you have any theories or #dirt to contribute, feel free to message me. This is one puzzle I’m anxious to put together!


Last time we caught up with our favorite nanny-shoving dead-eyed Hollywood ice queen, she was actually making an effort career-wise and leaving her billion dollar estate to go clubbing. She’s continued to hit the town since then, including an appearance at the 'Fashion Los Angeles Awards’ at the Sunset Tower Hotel, armed with her almost 30-year-old brother Will (I mentioned his age because it literally blows my mind he’s pushing 30, he looks 17):

But, like always, the juiciest stuff goes down at the after parties. As PCD2009 continues to make its mark on the Internet gossip scene, its audience grows larger, and its spies can truly infiltrate any Hollywood soiree - such is the case with one reader (who chooses to remain unnamed in fear of her life).

WHERE?Mr Chow - A haunt frequented by Lindsay and Nicole, and the very place where Britney infamously flashed the paparazzi for her 25th birthday.

WHEN?The evening of March 20th.

WHO?Pillz - in the flesh.


Okay so I was at Mr. Chow’s tonight and there was a huge after party with a lot celebs (Kim, Kanye, that group, Lady Gaga, Gigi Hadid, The Weeknd, etc) but I had an encounter that legit made me scared for my life. I went to the restroom with my friend and it was locked so we were super confused and waited, but then a random girl left and we got in to realize it was a single stall, but there was a tiny waiting area (so it shouldn’t have been locked but the girls in there had). There were two blondes putting on makeup and talking about clothes and my friend used the bathroom, leaving me awkwardly standing there with no phone and no makeup to reapply. Guess who one of the blondes was? Nicola Peltz. I was trying to avoid eye contact but I totally failed and her lifeless eyes were staring me down. Then my friend got out and was washing her hands and I saw a phone next to the sink that I could’ve sworn was my friend’s, so I picked it up and was like oh don’t leave it… but it wasn’t my friend’s phone it was… Nicola’s. I put it back down after like thirty seconds of confusion but I have never received such a death glare in my life and she didn’t even try to stop me or say anything to me. Just stared at me. Nicola is so scary, and later when we were leaving the restaurant she was leaving the party and gave me another glare from her dead eyes - I think I’m cursed now.

Honestly, you’re lucky you made it out of that bathroom alive. We all know the abuse she’s heaped on the help, I couldn’t imagine how nerve-racking it would be to stand right next to her - and to take her phone! Oh boy, that’s like trying to snatch a Blackberry from Naomi Campbell! But thankfully you made it out to tell the tale, a feat not many have achieved - her nanny that slipped into a coma for starters.

The evening after our spy’s near-fatal encounter, Pillz stepped out once again - this time at Craig’s - and proudly branding the iPhone that almost cost a PCD2009 reader her life!

And most recently, she attended Jared Eng AKA JustJared’s birthday bash:

And that brings me to another message I received:

Some Nicola Peltz deets - grew up in Palm Beach and was friendly with her sister. My only interesting thing to add (other than her oldest brother Matt went to prom with PARIS HILTON - you would never guessed if you knew him) is that she had this really weird friendship with Jared Eng of JustJared. Maybe he was her brother’s friend (I believe she lived at Will’s place in LA) but he was aaaalways with Nic. Now I’ve noticed he’s like that with the up-and-comer Joey King. I dunno, rubs me the wrong way, how he moved onto the next pretty young and up and comer.

Interesting! I’ve never paid close attention to JustJared, it’s a nice site and all, the only place where I can get my regular Olsen Twins’ candids fix so I won’t diss it. I wouldn’t be surprised though if what you’re saying has some merit to it and he hops from girl to girl a la Perez Hilton back in 2006. That makes me think of the Lindsay/Paris MySpace screencap I shared earlier in the post - “u guys use eachother like tampons.” I guess Pillz is truly the new Paris!

And one last piece of parting #dirt, focuser also dug up that Pillz switched out of Rye Country Day School to attend a school named Windward in White Plains, a school for children who are dyslexic or have other learning disabilities.

The two leading it-girls of our time are both dyslexic? What are the odds!


Oh boy do we have a lot to catch up on. So last time we checked on the buddies they were walking in NYFW for self-proclaimed “male Blair Waldorf” Andrew Warren’s clothing line. Since then he’s continued to do press for his designs:

Mhm, yep, okay, I’m sure. He also did an interview with Daily Mail where he unleashed this gem about his Instagram account:

…when I post photos of my girlfriends it’s not like most guys who post unclassy hookers.

Gaia also did an interview with W Magazine, doing promo for something - herself, I guess? Whatever, in it she says she was arrested twice, but won’t say for what, come on my little detectives - I know you can dig this one up!

After the buddies’ publicity blitz, they went down to Miami for some fun in the sun:

But when they got back to the Big Apple is when things got juicy!

(Lol, why are they still hanging with Little Miss Flopshine)

On the 23rd, one half of the Incest Bros. - Peter - got busted at JFK Airport for being a drunken mess. Page Six reported the following:

Peter Brant Jr., son of the billionaire Peter M. Brant and super­model Stephanie Seymour, was arrested Wednesday evening for allegedly creating a drunken ruckus and roughing up a Port Authority cop at Kennedy Airport. Brant Jr., a 22-year-old model, was waiting in the JetBlue terminal to board a flight for West Palm Beach, Fla., when he became disorderly, said PA spokesman Joe Pentangelo. A source said Peter was acting “drunk and belligerent,” which allegedly led to a fight with a JetBlue staffer. PA cops were summoned, but he refused to follow their instructions to sit down and lower his voice, and ended up assaulting one of them, the source said. He was taken to Jamaica Hospital to be treated for severe intoxication, police said, and will also undergo a psych evaluation. Society child Peter was recently spotted cavorting with Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece in Soho. Brant’s father, Peter Brant Sr., is a billionaire industrialist and childhood friend of Donald Trump. The elder Brant was waiting for his son in West Palm Beach Wednesday night.

You can read an extremely detailed play-by-play of the meltdown here. And if you’re confused as to which brother Peter is - he’s the one that joked about killing Obama and starred in these infamous photos:

Anyways, he showed up to his arraignment looking like a drunken mess:

Okay… he’s giving me Pete Doherty vibes here. Anyone else see it?

And the best part is that his lawyer, Philip Russell, told the judge that Peter’s an ”idiot“ - Shawn Holley would never.

Oh, and I almost forgot:


The morning after the arrest, Peter took to Instagram to make his situation worse:

He deleted it not long after, but you know me, I work fast and always take a picture. If someone’s feeling bored, send that post to Peter’s judge and maybe he’ll get thrown in the slammer like Paris:

After that faux-pas he decided to try and play the Jesus angle by sharing this:

But like Georgina Sparks once said, ”I haven’t been this bored since I believed in Jesus,“ and Peter got bored fast. Page Six reported last week that he ran up a $2,000 tab at Nobu in Tribeca and then skipped out once he got the bill! (Lindsay totally did it better, but that goes without saying) Here’s the full story:

On Thursday night, sources told Page Six that Brant was at Nobu with a group that included fellow wealthy friends Kyra Kennedy and Gaia Matisse. A witness said: “Peter came in with a group of girls including Kyra and Gaia. The girls didn’t really order anything, but he went crazy and ­ordered a ton of food and drinks, about $2,000 worth.” The source added, “But when it came to paying the bill, Peter ran out of the restaurant.” And when “Nobu staff tried to make him pay . . . He started arguing, and then ran out. The girls were horrified and had to split the bill between them.

The juiciest part of the story isn’t food, but the identity of Page Six’s source… Andrew Warren:

It seems high society’s gays are in a mega-tiff, as Peter responded with this post:

Oh gosh, this internal power struggle - I love it! This reminds me of the days when Paris used to rat out Successica Simpson to Us Weekly and Kim Kardashian used to sell secrets about Paris to In Touch in hopes of scoring a cover for herself. In this dog-eat-dog world you’ve gotta look out for yourself, and Andrew’s only playing the game. But I have to wonder - what happened between the two? Was there a longstanding rift, and the Nobu dine-and-dash was only the breaking point? So many questions, but if you checked out who liked Peter’s Insta retort:

Either LIT’s picking sides or, like us, she’s living for the petty social media drama. I do hope this evolves into some Paris/Lindsay shit and someone gets slapped or a glass is thrown at the Boom Boom Room.

Back to Peter, while he’s hit a bit of a rough patch lately, his Superjunkie mother Stephanie Seymour got lucky when a judge agreed to drop her DUI charges on the grounds that she takes her ass over to an AA class every now and then.

I can’t say I didn’t expect it. But while we’ve been so busy talking about the dr*g buddy veterans, we haven’t had a chance to gossip about the new additions I mentioned in the last post. We’ll start off with Sofia Richie:

The next generations of the Hiltons and Richies are BFFs? Loves it! Aside from that nothing else has been going on with Sofia, so let’s move onto Mini-Mary Kay Letourneau, Sarah Snyder:

Yeah, she still creeps me out. Moving on! Let’s take a look at what Cazzie David is up to:

Thrilling. Aside from that boring snap, I actually have something else on her. Like always, as soon as I mention someone in one of these posts you guys give me the lowdown, that’s why I love you, so of course someone spilled everything they knew on Larry David’s spawn and I have to say I was a bit stunned:

I know Cazzie David is new to your blog, but I have some #dirt on her. We go to the same school and she’s pretty awful. She’s out in LA for a semester now, but we had a class together last fall and she always looked like she’d rather be anywhere but there. I sat across the room from her but I swear she was always looking at her reflection in her Macbook camera. Towards the end of the semester she would get up and leave in the middle of class for no reason. I doubt she ended up passing but rich kids usually pay to get exempt from classes around here. Oh and also, one of my good friends lived on the same floor as her freshman year (2012-13) and apparently she would always make jokes about the Boston Marathon bombing after it happened.

Joking about the Boston Marathon bombing? What the fuck is wrong with her? I don’t get rich kid humor. First the Brants thought it’d be funny to kill Obama, now this chick thinks a terrorist attack that happened down the street from her is giggle-worthy? I don’t know what the 1% is slipping in their kids’ milk these days, but aside from those trainwrecks I finally got the lowdown on the weird Insta model that Andrew was beefing with last post.

So last time I mentioned her I had no clue who she was. Now I know more than I wanted to know. So here’s the first message I received about her:

Eileen Kelly is no one specially. I was friends with her once until she realized she used up all my connections (aka got in the NYC elite social scene). Her dad has money but no millionaire/billionaire rich. All she’s known for is social climbing and posting naked pictures of her self of tumblr and Instagram then complaining about it on Twitter. We all basically shunned her out once we caught onto her games. Started out as a materialistic Coke whore now trying to climb the ranks. xoxo“ - Anonymous

Judging by the personal connection and added ”xoxo“ at the end, one of the buddies’, probably Andrew, sent this in themselves. They act like I’m Gossip Girl or something. Aside from that tip of sorts, a few other people filled my messages with their own Eileen Kelly #dirt, I’ll pick apart the key points to make it an easier read:

Eileen is this Instagram famous chicken from Seattle and she went to some big private school and literally everyone there hated her.

She’s selling herself on Instagram, becoming a 'model’ and stuff. She’s also really close with this actor Nick Robinson and his fans message her about them, asking if they’re a couple and stuff, and she leaves really vague answers like 'Hehehehe, no! Never would I date him!’ They’ve known each other since they were like, 6 years old. He’s from Seattle too.

She’s trying to be some legal Lolita even though she always talks about how she hates that ~angle, it’s so weird.

She went on a rant about how antidepressants don’t work and if you have anxiety you should just 'relax’.

She’s friends with the world’s most hated Victoria’s Secret Model - Taylor Hill. She’s also tight with Justin Bieber’s former fuckbuddy - Chantel, or whatever her name is.

She got Tumblr famous around 2012 and posted her phone number and stuff and someone got creepily obsessed with her and she had to get a restraining order against them. She claims to have almost 70 restraining orders.

She doesn’t believe in antidepressants?

She wants to be a ”Legal Lolita“?


These kids are all nuts. Keep the stories coming though, you know I love them. Aside from that crew, though, another one of LIT’s friends caught my eye this past month. Remember Amanda Steele? LIT’s ’beauty guru’ bestie?

Well, I was reading Nancy Jo Sales’ new masterpiece - a book titled American Girls that dropped in February - and Amanda was one of the girls she interviewed. Here’s her section:

Lmao @ her telling her dad to stay out of her interview. Alexis Neiers taught them. Anyways, I’ll end the post on that note. Hope you all enjoyed this riveting chapter in the Lilo in Training saga!

Oh, I almost forgot - a PCD2009 reader came across Andrew on Bumble and sent in these pics:

You guys rock.


I finished writing this post on the 4th and planned on posting it this weekend under the assumption that nothing noteworthy would happen during the time inbetween, but due to recent events I have a duty to keep you guys in the messy loop. So The New York Times did a profile of the buddies - labeling them the ”Snap Pack.“ Long story short, they sound completely awful and obnoxious, etc. Andrew at some point talks about how a cancer-stricken girl messaged him on Instagram to keep posting his excess so she can feel better. I’m not even exaggerating. Writer Allie Jones - who does a bunch of funny Kristin Cavallari articles for Gawker - dissed the clique on her blog and Andrew got PISSED:

Andrew and Kyra Ketamine found Allie’s Insta and decided to harass her:

You can see more of their lovely comments here. The article is beautifully titled: ”I’m Being Cyberbullied On Instagram By A Kennedy“ These kids are too much. You just can’t scream at every person who criticizes you for being rich and dumb.

Actually - I changed my mind, you can.

Once again, if you have any #dirt to contribute - message me! Hope you guys enjoyed the post! And Andrew, if you’re reading this, save the nasty comments for Peter Brant.

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