Mischa hits the bars, tabloids… and her sister?
(Replace Brit Brit with Coop)
It’s been a hot second since the last #MischaWatch post, but so much has happened that I need to keep you kids in the loop.

Last time we caught up with Coop, she was still embroiled in a sex tape showdown with her ex-lovers, and sat down with Dr. Phil to get into the dirty details.

Well, since then the legal circus has only gotten wilder. After Coop sought a restraining order extension against her two exes believed to be involved in the porn plot, Ex Numero Dos - Adam Spaw (AKA Adam Shaw) - objected to the order, claiming in court documents that he & Mischa aren’t even exes… but still an item:
“I do not agree to an order that would preclude me from having any contact with Petitioner. I have never attempted to sell or distribute the tapes of Petitioner. The opposite is true, i.e., I have made efforts since I first learned of the existence of the tapes to make sure that they were not sold or distributed in any fashion. I’m been [sic] in an intimate relationship with Petitioner for many months and I can’t wait to see my girlfriend as soon as this proceeding is resolved. I do not agree the Petitioner should be allowed to record our conversations since I have been wrongfully accused and I should enjoy the same rights as any other citizen.”
What the fuck?
If your head is spinning, so is mine, but Coop’s superlawyer Lisa Bloom issued a statement to The Wrap claiming that Spaw’s supposed ongoing relationship with Mischa is total BS:
“Mischa is absolutely not involved with Adam Spaw. Everything she said in her declaration is 100 percent accurate.”
Thankfully, the bizarro Lifetime-esq drama hasn’t held our girl Coop back from letting loose. Mischa was spotted tossing back drinks at a rooftop bar in L.A. this past week:

And if you thought that was all for Coop news, think again!
A loyal PCD2009 reader, who’s friends with Mischa’s sister Hania on Facebook, hooked the blog up with some private pictures of the troubled twosome - and some Greasy Bear nostalgia, too:

But the strangest find in my reader’s Barton excursion was this August 2013 post in which a bruised Hania alleges that her “sister” attacked her and pulled out her hair:

The sister in question could either be Coop, or the third Barton spawn Zoe.

But I have a feeling Mischa could lose her temper easily.

And our final Coop scoop comes from another PCD2009 reader, who submitted this in a two-for-one package last night (Alongside a Lohan encounter I’ll share soon):
“This was a year or more ago in West Hollywood. My friend was at Revolver partying and met this guy. They hit it off, and he wanted to introduce him to his friend. He’s introduced to this girl who is wearing a hat and sunglasses - at night - and realizes that it’s Mischa Barton. She introduces herself and then quickly asks if he has money… because she’s trying to buy coke. He says, ‘No,’ and then she moved on to some other random person and asked them.”
Typical Barton behavior, and that’s why I love her!
On the bright side, it seems like Mischa’s recent spiral-of-sorts is landing her some major tabloid action. This past week she scored spots in three magazines!
The Enquirer:


And a two-page spread in Star:

She couldn’t even get a two-page spread in Star back in 2007! This is a beacon of light in tragically dark times.
Good job, Coop - we’re all so proud of you!

Oh, and before I forget - it seems like the blog has a new fan:

Welcome to hell, Cisco! (Obligatory NSFW Picture Of His Balls)

“I think she’s beautiful & smart.” What a class act!