Lindsay Lohan stole $10,000 worth of clothing from a former friend.
On the night of April 15th, Lindsay visited model Lauren Hastings’ L.A. home, which was being watched over by a friend while Lauren was working on a shoot in Texas.

Lilo, who met Hastings in rehab, told the house sitter that she had left some of her clothing in Lauren’s room, so the pal let her inside - along with her bodyguard Jaz. By the end of the evening, the duo had stuffed dozens of bags filled with clothing into Lohan’s car and took off, a distraught Hastings discovering a barren bedroom upon returning home the next morning, crying: “Where are all of my clothes? Where are my things?”

That day, Lauren filed a police report against La Lohan, and texted her estranged pal that she wasn’t going down without a fight. Lindsay, who was busy partying at Hyde alongside Nicole Richie& Samantha Ronson, passed the Blackberry amongst her fellow coke fiends and they responded to Hastings texts with some not-so-friendly words of their own:

Richie, who’d already harbored some resentment for the model for hooking up with ex-fiance DJ AM, had a particularly vicious message for her:

After selling her story to Star, Hastings unleashed the ’proof’ of the alleged theft on her Buzznet profile - in a post titled Lindsay: Is It Odd We Like The Same Clothes?

And she proceeded to leak the nasty Blackberry battle:

But despite Lauren’s proof, the case was dismissed the following month by the LAPD for a “lack of sufficient evidence.”

And while Hastings continued to peddle her story to the tabloids, she did wish her frenemy some kind words when Lilo was shipped off to Promises Malibu following a Memorial Day weekend DUI.

Bonus: Lauren was also the Britney lookalike in the Cry Me A River video.