Britney hits a car, threatens to kill someone, and develops a lollipop obsession.
“I’m a braniac,” Britney Spears shouted after plowing into a parked car.

Instead of leaving a note, the pop star flung open her Mercedes door, knelt down and examined the damage: “Yeah, it’s nothing.”

And then she walked away.
It wouldn’t be until the following morning that the car’s owner would learn the source of their mysterious scratch - thanks to a reporter waiting at their door - and by August 9th, a police report was filed… Britney later being charged with hit and run.

But the incident would mark just another day in the strange summer of Spears.
As fast as glossies raced to report the star’s OK! photo freakout and raging family feud, the Britney saga would take even more twists and turns… thanks to a surprise trip to Sin City.
In the dead of night, Spears whisked her entourage and two boys away to Vegas on July 25th for a stay at the Wynn.

There was one catch, though: she wasn’t allowed.
As per her 50/50 joint custody agreement with Kevin Federline, the singer needed written permission before taking her kids out of state… which she failed to obtain. And to make a a bad situation even worse, her presence didn’t go unnoticed.
After spending the morning of July 26th at the hotel’s spa, the paparazzi magnet wandered back into the lobby with Jayden James, while bodyguard Julio Camera held Sean Preston.

As a pack of photographers congregated, one snapper - Kyle Henderson - got a little too close, bumping into Camera and sending the Spears staffer tumbling… with the child still in his arms.

Quickly, an infuriated Brit snatched Sean away and let Camera go on the attack - the bodyguard tackling the photographer as the pop star tossed a baby bottle, screaming: “I am going to fucking kill you!”

As hotel security raced to break up the brawl, Camera set his sights on another Flynet recruit - Andrew Deetz - and continued the attack… all the while his boss Britney warned that they better get a restraining order against her, since if she didn’t kill them, she’d hire someone that would.
After Wynn staffers placed a 311 call, the melee shifted to citations galore - Camera being slammed with misdemeanor battery, while Spears filed a report against Henderson on Sean Preston’s behalf.

But that’d hardly be the end of it.
As the starlet ditched the Vegas Strip for Sunset, her ex-husband pow-wowed with divorce lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan, sending gossip sites abuzz with rumors that K-Fed was ready to chase full custody of his two boys.

But if Britney was supposed to be worried, she sure didn’t seem it.
As soon as Spears returned to Hollywood following her disastrous Vegas vacay, the party girl wasted no time in hopping back on the club circuit, raising eyebrows at Winston’s with Sotheby’s agent Justin Mandile:

And then returning to the club nights later with a new man, Billy Armstrong:
But one thing stayed oddly consistent between Spears’ late-night appearances… lollipops.

While several tabloids alleged Britney’s oral fixation was yet another drug trick, the lollipops being Fentanyl-laced, a source told X17 that the story behind her candy obsession was quite simple, actually - she just got them for free inside clubs.

But even if her choice of a sweet treat wasn’t too scandalous, the pop star would make up for it with even stranger behavior in the coming days. Between darting out the Chateau Marmont after learning the only table available was next to Victoria Beckham to wrapping a scarf around her face at a gas station…

… nothing really seemed to make sense in the world of Britney.

And while Spears’ slew of strange behavior failed to make good press, one Hollywood onlooker thought it’d make decent reality TV instead.
“She’s a fucking mess, and that little reality show she had did nothing - but she likes the idea of being on television and I think she’d be great,” Donald Trump told Page Six of his plans to get Britney on the inaugural season of The Celebrity Apprentice.
And oddly enough, MTV seemed to agree.
While the pop star’s music career had taken a backseat to her camera-ready antics, the network that propelled her to stardom saw her fit for a comeback, with several sites buzzing that Spears was set to open the 2007VMAs…

But was Britney really ready to return to the stage? We’d have to wait and see!