On This Day In 2007 University of Florida student Andrew Meyer appeared at a forum held by John Kerry, asking why the former presidential candidate had conceded to Bush, in addition to his involvement in Yale’s secret Skull & Bones society… and something about Bill Clinton’s “blowjob.”

As Kerry prepared to answer the questions, Meyer was quickly led away by police… before attempting to break away and subsequently being tased. His famous last words? “Don’t tase me, bro!”

Within hours, video footage of the incident surfaced on YouTube, quickly racking up over a million views and a Today sit-down in which Andrew continued to defend his beliefs:

But Meyer would gleefully go on to trademark his now-viral phrase and shill “Don’t tase me, bro!” shirts and ringtones via his website, and today, Andrew works for “Pizzagate”-pusher Mike Cernovich, in addition to making frequent use of the #MAGA hashtag.