For those interested, here are links to the two-part Leaving Neverland documentary that aired on HBO the last couple of days, as well as the Oprah-hosted after special. (When Oprah’s good, she’s great, and I can’t recommend this special enough. She drives home so many excellent points.)
Part One:
Part Two:
For those who haven’t been paying much attention, the documentary focuses on the stories of Wade Robson and James Safechuck, two men who came forward several years ago with stories of sexual abuse they suffered as children during their time with Michael Jackson. I watched both the documentary and the after special, and I have to warn anyone about to watch that it is incredibly graphic and disturbing, and quite honestly part of me wishes I hadn’t watched it solely for the level of discomfort it’s made me feel and the way particular details have been haunting me (I’d read their claims when they’d first come out, but hearing them vocalize everything was an entirely different experience), but I think our personal discomfort is nothing compared to the staggering importance of the stories these men are brave enough to share, and the very least we can do is listen to them and amplify their voices. The truth in the allegations surrounding Michael, even from his accusers in 1993 and 2003, has been drowned out online for years with lies and fabrications by his fans - on here, Twitter, Reddit, and a scattering of blogs. Forget whatever you might’ve internalized before this, and listen to these men with an open mind. And I really do hope you guys take a moment to share their stories, whether it be with a tweet, a post - anything. Don’t let silence win. Like I said, talking is the very least we can do.
And if you’re a Michael Jackson defender and want to send me a message (I received quite a few nasty ones the last time I stated the undeniable, objective facts of his cases), save your keyboard the workout. Try sharing your kooky theories about him being the target of a wide-ranging “conspiracy” with the Donald Trump superfans, since your defense is no different than theirs.
Also, if these links stop working for any reason, message me and I’ll update them.